2017-02-09 12:38:27

手工显示合计行(列汇总) 我们都知道如何操作,可参考:






   db.TableDefs("table1").Properties("TotalsRow") = True

Public Function IsTotalsRowVisible(sTableName As String) As Boolean    Dim db As DAO.Database    Dim td As DAO.TableDef    Set db = CurrentDb()    set td = db.TableDefs(sTableName)    IsTotalsRowVisible = (td.Properties("TotalsRow") = True)End Function

Public Function IsTotalsRowVisible(sTableName As String) As Boolean    Dim db As DAO.Database    Dim td As DAO.TableDef        Set db = CurrentDb()    Set td = db.TableDefs(sTableName)        On Error Resume Next    IsTotalsRowVisible = (td.Properties("TotalsRow") = True)        ' if the TotalsRow property does not exist then return false    If (Err = 3270) Then        IsTotalsRowVisible = False    ElseIf (Err <> 0) Then        Stop    End If    On Error GoTo 0End FunctionSub test()    Dim db As DAO.Database    Dim td As DAO.TableDef        Set db = CurrentDb()        ' test all non-system tables    For Each td In db.TableDefs        If (Not (td.Name Like "MSys*")) Then            Debug.Print td.Name, IsTotalsRowVisible(td.Name)        End If    Next        db.Close    Set db = Nothing    Set td = NothingEnd Sub

2. 用代码打开或关闭查询的数据表视图的合计行 total row:

Set qrydef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("MyQueryName")

qrydef.Properties.Append qrydef.CreateProperty("TotalsRow", dbBoolean, True)  '可以再加个判断,如果属性存在,则直接 qrydef.Properties("TotalsRow")=true

qrydef.Fields(1).Properties("AggregateType").Value = 0 'add the Aggregate Total on field 1qrydef.Fields(2).Properties("AggregateType").Value = 1 'add the Average Total on field 2qrydef.Fields(3).Properties("AggregateType").Value = 2 'add the Count Total on field 3



 Function LoopQuery(ByVal tempProj As Double) Dim strSQL As String  Dim qdfTemp As QueryDef  Dim ProjNumb As Double  ProjNumb = tempProj strSQL = "sql code...." With CurrentDb Set qdfTemp = .CreateQueryDef(ProjNumb, strSQL)  qdfTemp.Fields(21).Properties("AggregateType").Value = 0 'add the Aggregate Total on Total Hours  qdfTemp.Fields(23).Properties("AggregateType").Value = 0 'add the Aggregate Total on Total Costs  qdfTemp.Fields(24).Properties("AggregateType").Value = 0 'add the Aggregate Total on Total Discounted  End With

Set qdfTemp = .CreateQueryDef(ProjNumb, strSQL) qdfTemp.Properties.Append _ qdfTemp.CreateProperty("TotalsRow", dbBoolean, True)

Dim pSQL as String

set pSQL = "...."

Dim db As DAO.Database ' database decleration

Set db = CurrentDb ' use current

Dim qdf As QueryDef 'for the query sourceobject

Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("qtemp", pSQL) ' make QueryDef

Dim prop As DAO.Property ' property for the fields

'At this point, fields do not have a property called AggregateType

'Lets create one

Set prop = qdf.fields("Merged").CreateProperty("AggregateType", dbInteger, 0) ' make property

qdf.fields("Merged").Properties.Append prop ' assign it to field

Set prop = qdf.fields("Imported").CreateProperty("AggregateType", dbInteger, 0)

qdf.fields("Imported").Properties.Append prop

Set prop = qdf.fields("Count").CreateProperty("AggregateType", dbInteger, 0)

qdf.fields("Count").Properties.Append prop

'currently, the QueryDef doesn't have a TotalsRow property.

'Lets make one for it

qdf.Properties.Append qdf.CreateProperty("TotalsRow", dbBoolean, True)

qdf.fields.Refresh ' probably not needed

3. 但针对子窗体 数据表视图 却无法 控制,只能

  1. 先在设计视图,先手工打开显示合计行。 me.recordset.properties("Totalrow") = True  只会影响窗体绑定的表或查询的的汇总方式,而不是窗体数据视图本身。(即如果窗体绑定的查询设置了合计,则msgbox me.recordset.properties("Totalrow") 结果为True.  与窗体的合计行显示没有关系)

  2. 再用代码控制 每个字段的合计方式: me.controls("fieldname").Properties("AggregateType") = 0

    in design mode of the form. me.formname.form.recordset.properties("Totalrow") = Truefor this part open the form in design mode and enable the total row using the method msdn and microsoft says to do.now if you want to set the aggreation at run time. you can. on form open event..me.controls("fieldname").Properties("AggregateType") = 0 gives you Sumbut you can use -1 to turn it off.1 give you the next one in the list.any got this to open a form and apply sum to the fields that I wanted it to be applied.